Harmeet Chowdhary is a Celebrity Success Coach, he works with established and aspiring actors, singers, models, artists and public figures, who wish to rise above the competition and establish a healthy relationship with their fans and clients, along with enhancing their brand value and skill set.
As a coach he creates a roadmap based on key objectives which one wishes to achieve in his/her life and works consistently together over the phone, email, video conferencing and in person to take them from where they currently stand to where they wish to be.
He helps individuals gain awareness and clarify their personal goals and priorities in life.
Inspires them to understand their thoughts, feelings and abilities, and take appropriate actions to change their lives, accomplish their goals, and feel more fulfilled and confident.
He has transformed the lives of many through is highly rated and proven coaching programs

Life Coaching Program
"How To Become You"

Business Coaching Program
"The Success Code"

"Superstar Pro 360"
Celebrity Success Coaching Program
To learn more about the award winning coaching programs click the link below
Motivational Speaker

As a Motivational Speaker, Harmeet Chowdhary crafts inspiring workshops that help people connect with their inner hidden leader and learn how to bring it forward with confidence and courage.
He inspires people through his unique ability to boost self belief and confidence.
Keynote Speeches
Delivering opening speeches and setting the momentum of a conference, conclave, orientation or a corporate event is crucial to send out the right message and impression to the audience. Harmeet Chowdhary is an expert in delivering such an experience.
He has delivered many keynote speeches and transformed the lives of many through is highly motivating talk and power packed sessions.
His regular workshops on the Art of communication and Personality Development are very popular among young talent, and people who wish to make a statement in public speaking and leadership skills.
He gives motivational guest lectures in many renowned colleges and institutions around India.
Conducts power packed motivational workshops for corporates.
Celebrity Host
Harmeet Chowdhary is also a celebrity host and the preferred choice when it comes to hosting mega events and engaging huge crowds for music concerts, cultural and entertainment events
He shares a wonderful relationship with almost all the renowned celebrities and enjoys taking their interviews and promoting their new music or movie releases

Harmeet Chowdhary works with top ceo's , entrepreneurs and businesses to maximise their growth and revenue
He has a proven track record of providing 10X Growth to his clients with his business planning and implementations methodologies.
His key areas of expertise are - Business Coaching - Event Consulting - Project Funding - Image Building - Brand Strategy - Online Reputation Management - Talent Management
Learn more about the services Harmeet Chowdhary offers to his clients and how he can give an impetus you require to your brand and business
To learn more about personal success stories of people, and how they have felt after working with him and taking his coaching programs please click the link below
To invite Harmeet Chowdhary to give a power packed motivational session or to host an event please write to connect@harmeetchowdhary.com